The marketing strategy of ethnomarketing focuses on different ethnic target groups, which differ from the ethnic majority population in terms of consumer behaviour, lifestyles, norms and values. The identification of such cultural characteristics and needs is a necessary prerequisite for the successful and targeted pursuit of an ethnic strategy. In this context, it is imperative to understand how cultural differences, caused by historical, cultural and linguistic factors, affect the general consumer behaviour, the reception of marketing messages and the development with the brand awareness of different ethnic groups. Accordingly, an early, far-reaching rolling planning and communication policy with appropriate customized media is essential.

We do not see ethnomarketing as a simple trend, but rather as a promising orientation towards current social developments and progressive globalisation. To this end, we strategically positioned ourselves 15 years ago as a business consultancy and have built up a profound know-how and a large network of cooperation partners and experts from all over the world to help other companies in developing a long-term and profit-optimising strategy based on ethnospecific factors. Our specially developed ethnosales inevitably has a strong influence on ethnomarketing.

As a full-service provider with our own in-house agency, we offer you additionaly the service of direct implementation of your ethno-sensitive concept.