Entries by Carlos Weckesser

Great success with our customer EDM Aerotec

Approval of the Coax 600 helicopter now official – After 4 years of intensive development and testing, the approval certificate for the COAX 600 could finally be received. A great event for everyone involved and a big and important step into the national and international helicopter market. Our sincere congratulations! We’re looking forward to our […]

Common umbrella brand as the first big step in building a strong employer brand for the companies of the Dreiling family.

Two innovation-oriented companies compete together with an authentic employer brand for new employees. As a result of our elevateBoard® and a systematic development process with the companies, we unite the company Dreiling Maschinenbau and the helicopter developer edm aerotec from Geisleden in the career platform edm Innovations. The new brand embodies the innovative power of […]

Employer branding is gaining momentum.

Employer branding as an essential element of recruiting is in increasing demand and is also gaining more and more public awareness. The article comes from Neue Westfälische Zeitung of June 10/11. Image by zlatko_plamenov on Freepik

SDI neo and kneier consult are working with other partners to develop a check-up to determine the level of maturity of digital customer communication.

The cooperation of kneier consult with the international university SDI and Lösung N through the joint institute SDI neo give new possibilities in the cooperation with our customers. Not only in the scientific support of digitization projects and digital transformation, but also very pragmatically in the development of application-related AI tools in almost all areas.

kneier consult and its partners are increasingly in demand for employer branding.

Admist the great lack of personnel in almost all industries and professions, the focus is increasingly on the development of an employer brand. With our employer brand kit, we develop tailor-made solutions from the inside out and, if requested by the customer, accompany the entire process up to the success control. The modular system now […]

Large works meeting at Dreiling Maschinenbau.

After completing the extensive corporate development and repositioning of the company, the decisive changes, in particular the new management structure and the new senior employees, were presented at the large works meeting. The first measures as part of the new organization are already showing success: in sales and in the positive development of the order […]

Kick-off management training.

Im Rahmen der großen Reorganisation eines mittelständischen Unternehmens wird im nächsten Schritt der Unternehmensentwicklung ein Commitment zum Unternehmensübergreifenden Führungsstil verabschiedet. All employees at the management level receive targeted management training for their new and expanded management role. Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

The kneier team is growing.

Milena Richter expands our team in the areas of advertising, graphics and communication. As a trained media designer, she is now continuing her education in the field of marketing and is completing part-time studies to become a “Kommunikationsfachwirtin” at the AfAK in Kassel. Image by 8photo on Freepik